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Niche: Best Schools - 2022
Four Champions at the Novice and Middle School State Championship
Four Champions at the Novice and Middle School State Championship
4 Champions at the Novice and Middle School State Championship
Congratulations to our Junior and Novice Speech & Debate Teams for their participation in the State Championship Tournament for the Florida Forensic League (FFL) at Western High School.
The event included 4 champions in Junior High student Sebastian Asady, and Novices Enan Khan, Jason Cohen, and Michael Howe. 🗣️💬
Migueal Lockhart - Novice Humorous Interpretation - 3rd Place
Caitlin Yaralli - Novice Dramatic Interpretation - 3rd Place
Norah Smucker - MS Humorous Interpretation - Semifinalist
Sebastian Asady - MS - CHAMPION!!!
Enan Khan - Novice - CHAMPION!!!
Ryon Jemail - Novice - 3rd Place
Kersh Besharat - Novice - Semifinalist
Rayan Kha - Novice - Semifinalist
Jason Cohen and Michael Howe - Novice - CHAMPIONS!!!
Olivia Arpaia and Kasey Moore - MS - 3rd Place
Omar Dahabra and Ryan Rohit - Novice - Quarterfinalists