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Niche: Best Schools - 2022
Speech & Debate Team Wins ALL Team Categories

Speech & Debate Team Wins ALL Team Categories

Speech & Debate Team Wins ALL Team Categories and 13 Awards to Advance to Nationals

The Speech and Debate team from American Heritage Schools, Palm Beach Campus, demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication with a remarkable performance at the Florida Oceanfront National Speech and Debate Association District Qualifier! The team's outstanding achievements paved the way for a strong representation at the upcoming 2024 National Tournament in Des Moines, IA in June.

The team swept the competition, claiming victories in Congress, Speech, Debate, and Overall Sweepstakes categories. In addition to the Team Awards, ErinLynn Pritchard, the District Assistant Coach, was honored with the esteemed title of District Assistant Coach of the Year. This recognition is a testament to Pritchard's exemplary leadership, mentorship, and unwavering dedication to the team's success. Her guidance and expertise have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping the team's achievements and fostering a culture of excellence within the program.

Furthermore, the Speech and Debate team showcased their prowess on an individual level, with an impressive tally of thirteen qualifying awards for Nationals. These students have demonstrated exceptional skill, eloquence, and critical thinking abilities, earning their rightful place among the nation's top debaters and speakers.

The success of the Speech and Debate team at the Florida Oceanfront NSDA District Qualifier is a testament to their talent, diligence, and unwavering commitment to excellence. They will continue to shine on the national stage, bringing honor and recognition to American Heritage Schools.



Erin Lynn Pritchard - District Assistant Coach of the Year

Sebastian Asady - National Qualifier (House)
Bryan Dominguez - National Qualifier (House)
Ryon Jemail - National Qualifier (House)
Enan Khan - National Qualifier (House)

Madeline McGriff - National Qualifier (Dramatic Interpretation)
Adrien Lllorens and Migueal Lockhart - National Qualifiers (Duo Interpretation)
Lalia Thaler Sucher - National Qualifier (Humorous Interpretation)
Eli Levy - National Qualifier (Informative Speaking)
Skyler Burrus - National Qualifier (International Extemporaneous Speaking)
Christina Li - National Qualifier (Original Oratory)
Caitlin Yaralli - National Qualifier (Original Oratory)
Zara Mendoza - National Qualifier (Program of Oral Interpretation)
Asher Shaya - National Qualifier (United States Extemporaneous Speaking)