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The Benefits of Prekindergarten

A solid pre-kindergarten program can have a big impact on school readiness

If you are considering enrolling your child in a pre-primary program such as prekindergarten or day care, you should know that not all programs are created equal. While there are certainly benefits to utilizing a traditional day care center, study after study shows that a strong pre-K program is incredibly beneficial for early childhood development.

If you are wondering why you should choose prekindergarten for your child, look no further. Here is a brief roundup of just some of the research that shows the many benefits of prekindergarten.

Academic benefits

The evidence shows that students who go through prekindergarten before elementary school display noticeable academic advantages compared to those who enter school after parental-only care. According to the nationwide Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010–11, pre-K students scored higher than their peers in reading and math.

Another study by Duke University indicates that children who have access to structured learning by age four were less likely to repeat a grade and less likely to need special education than their peers. Studies also show that this academic advantage continues beyond kindergarten, so the benefits for students are long term.

Social and behavioral benefits

In addition to the increased levels of academic achievement, students who participate in prekindergarten also show signs of improved social and behavioral skills. Notably, some research shows that pre-K can reduce the incidence of crime and arrest later in life.

Quality prekindergarten is linked with better social skills and fewer behavior problems compared to lower-quality programs. The D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education states that “Pre-K programs … have long-term effects on children… In adulthood, pre-K participants were also less likely to be arrested for violent crimes, more likely to be employed, and more likely to earn higher wages than those in the comparison group.”

Ultimately, choosing to pursue a dedicated prekindergarten program over a traditional day care can help set your child up for success throughout his or her school career and beyond.

Pre-primary programs at American Heritage School

At American Heritage Schools, we know just how effective a strong pre-kindergarten program can be. Our pre-primary program recognizes that young children learn best in an environment rich in sensory experiences.

The curriculum includes age-appropriate classes in subjects such as computer education, art, music, Spanish, and physical education and includes time in the media center and Investigative Science Lab.

American Heritage Schools is a leader in private education, academic excellence, and innovation. With two 40 acre campuses, one in Broward County and the other in Palm Beach County, Florida, we serve 4,600 students grades Pre-K 3 through 12. American Heritage Schools was recently named the #1 Private School for academic success with the highest number of National Merit Scholars of all private schools in the nation. For over 55 years, our mission of knowledge, integrity, and compassion through developing the full potential of each child to be an active, intelligent, creative, and contributing member of society. Contact an admissions director for more information or sign up for a campus tour.